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Structure Description of Aut白是omatic Lock Screw Feeder

時(shí)間:2023-06-14 09中很:46:30 人氣:75

When purchasing an automatic lock為你ing screw feeder, some customers 船答may inquire about the structural dia姐海gram of the automatic 吧地locking screw feeder, but煙微 we know that the automatic lockin視議g screw feeder consists of a木工 control system, a feedi林靜ng system, and a locking payment system那頻. The structural diagram can購女 only approximate th飛都e appearance of在又 the equipment, so in or草樂der to gain a more detailed樂劇 understanding of放學 the structure of the automatic screw友兒 machine, we will刀得 first introduce the structure of the行說 main components of the f市話eeding system.

The screw feeding structure of th器能e automatic locking scr的討ew feeder mainly行中 consists of a screw feed雜訊er.

2. The tail of the screw媽長 feeder of the automatic locking scre厭她w feeder is returned by an arc pl能又ate, a screw barrel, a d可票riving roller, a universal joint, an麗討d a brush.

The screw barrel is directly快花 placed on the roller br慢相acket, and the tra子為nsmission motor passes through th哥和e universal joint and the transmission 東黃drum. The screw drum rolls up and從內 down, and the screw falls 時友into the linear material 外著channel. The brush unscrews the screw a事金nd the channel r東得eturns to the s黑工crew barrel. Three, mainly t民風he feeding part of the s光道crew, mainly includ上知ing cylinder division, distribu如民tor, blowing pipe, and screw conveying 內我pipe. The screw of the straight 電門channel is transmitted to章吃 the distribution port throu影數gh a vibrator. The separating c錢信ylinder pulls the screw to t友訊he pipe opening, drops i好這nto the pipe, blows out the spiral pip你是e, and then blows the screw into the 少煙locking mechanism. The four f他報eeding channels 還弟of the screw feeder are comp兵的osed of a screw all mater時爸ial sensor, a linear vib來匠rator, a pressure plate, and a mater愛山ial channel acceleration t黃數ube. The screw all material sens就通or can sense whether the straight mat聽街erial channel is full or l制作acking material. The screw light is t歌腦urned off, but no screw 放光light is on. The full screw supply mac能市hine stops running, and th影你e linear vibrator prov要喝ides power for the 做也screw to move forward. T影你he pressure plate and material channel錢計 acceleration tube are used to prev弟間ent the screw from being squeeze行內d.

Adjustment of the窗弟 relevant components and li離明near vibration 個刀feeding part of the automatic locking美中 screw feeder:

Firstly, fix the lower part o電熱f the electromagnet on the 慢湖bracket of the machin秒這e;

Place the armature of the el車事ectromagnet directly above the elec嗎唱tromagnetic coil;為體

Use the screws on the upper and lower問鐘 electromagnets to pre lock 請靜the spring plates o匠愛n both sides of the ele拿物ctromagnet;

Adjust the distance between the electr區又omagnetic coil and the armature to be 女笑between 0.5 and 1.0拍校;

Install the scr坐數ew guide rail seat and guide 下畫rail.

Air pressure regulation: pull up th分開e regulating valve k厭還nob, rotate it to the right,水吧 and observe the pressure on the Bar時照ometer until it reache厭輛s 5 bar;

Pull the adjustment valve knob子船 upwards and rotate it. After th冷那e adjustment is completed, press the 員都knob.

Automatic screw feeder distr愛慢ibutor adjustment站場:

Install the components of th門火e distributor;

Install the distributor onto the關見 machine bracket;

Ensure that the inlet of the d你視istribution screw is well connected商錯 to the linear vibration fee內司d track and has the same height;

Adjust the pressure plate ab鐵坐ove the linear vibration feed track t書答o ensure that the lower surf上你ace of the pressure 輛高plate is 0.5~1.0mm higher than the up關熱per surface of th喝劇e nut.

Automatic lock sc到問rew feeder brush heig厭廠ht adjustment:

Observe the status of the br跳農ush and adjust the height of the b愛門rush;

As long as the brush can美匠 sweep down the screws on the side of 姐新the material path, there is no nee在睡d to adjust too far.

The above is a detailed in爸對troduction to the feeding sys了上tem in the structure 行村of the automatic locking screw物對 machine. Let us have 資懂a better understanding of the structur說時e and working princi窗火ple of screw machine中裡s, which is convenient for c務海ustomers to purchas遠拍e.



