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Overseas salesperson

Overseas locations: Beiji慢費ng, Qingdao, Ningbo, Nanjing, He電嗎fei, Shunde

Job requirements:

1. College degree 坐務or above, with at lea哥地st three years of relevant work 街謝experience.

2. Good sales ability, willing t子吃o endure hardships, good at c雨資ommunicating and communi國又cating with others, enthusias黃理tic and generous, fully understan鐘東ding market demand, actively searchin國個g and visiting customers, with 小木a strong intention to cha光道nge their curre弟明nt situation.

3. Strong hands-on鐵要 ability, able to件章 endure hardships and work時森 hard, and able to accept significa器歌nt work pressure.

4. Majors in mech頻開anical engineering are pre麗我ferred. Priority wil熱低l be given to thos窗白e who can comply with arrangements for 也外transfer.

5. Salary negoti輛習ation.

Mechanical Engineer

Job requirements:

1. Responsible for the design and d去來evelopment of non-standard automation機了 equipment;

2. Mechanical design automat從是ion, industrial automation, mechatron的山ics integration or related engineering 一拍majors;

3. College degree or above, fa討美miliar with mechanical訊下 processing techn家窗ology is preferred,有事 with at least one ye鄉外ar of work experience in automatic lo木開cking, platform auto讀街matic locking screw machines看村, or dispensing machine小離s;

4. Proficient in 海體using SOLIDWORKS 老遠drawing software and office so現但ftware;

5. Strong sense of responsibili校腦ty, good teamwork sp光熱irit, communication skil雪近ls, and service aw科暗areness!

6. More than 2 years of船空 experience in non-standard design

7. Or at least 1家可 year of experience in automatic lock 不靜design

8. Salary negotiable.



